This website is designed to inform physicians and provide them with probability scores for a number of diagnosis or outcomes.
These models should only be used by physicians who are familiar with the complexity of diagnostic and treatment decisions in infectious diseases and should not be used directly by patients (except model MU1). We emphasize that the purpose of these models is to inform physicians and that the models should not be used for decision support. Those models are not certified (CE marked or FDA approved). The models available on this website are not regarded as medical devices under the current MEDDEV guidelines from the European Commission and the FDA.
The calculators which are provided are freeware for personal use only. They are not public domain software and may not be sold or used for commercial purposes. Permission to use and backup this software for any non-commercial purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted. Permission to distribute this software for any non-commercial purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that a reference to the following website and the entire License and Disclaimer are provided with all distributed copies: https://covid19risk.ai/
Read more in Disclaimer Models and Privacy Policy
Disclaimer Models
By proceeding with use of the models, the user agrees that they have read and agreed with these terms.
This website is designed to inform physicians and provide them with probability scores for a number of diagnosis or outcomes.
These models should only be used by physicians who are familiar with the complexity of diagnostic and treatment decisions in infectious diseases and should not be used directly by patients (except model MU1). We emphasize that the purpose of these models is to inform physicians and that the models should not be used for decision support. Those models are not certified (CE marked or FDA approved). The models available on this website are not regarded as medical devices under the current MEDDEV guidelines from the European Commission and the FDA.
The calculators which are provided are freeware for personal use only. They are not public domain software and may not be sold or used for commercial purposes. Permission to use and backup this software for any non-commercial purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted. Permission to distribute this software for any non-commercial purpose, without fee, and without a written agreement is hereby granted, provided that a reference to the following website and the entire License and Disclaimer are provided with all distributed copies: https://covid19risk.ai/
The authors have made every effort to ensure that the information provided by this software is accurate and conforms to the methods described in the publications. However, the probability estimates published in the papers and which are estimated with these calculators may differ from those found in current clinical practice. In addition, a patient’s diagnosis and prognosis may depend on other factors than those taken into account here. Thus, any decisions concerning patient care should not be based only on the use of these calculators, but should also take into account the patient’s past history and other current patient and disease characteristics. The model output supplements but does not substitute this individual clinical assessment. The creators of this website are not liable for clinical decision making that occurs between a physician and a patient.
As medical science is constantly changing and human error is always possible, the information contained in the prediction tools may be outdated, incomplete or incorrect. The authors, of Maastricht University do not warrant the calculators’ accuracy nor are they responsible for any omissions, errors or outcomes resulting from the use of these calculators. In no event shall either the authors, Maastricht University or external authors be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising from the use of this software even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damage.
The authors, Maastricht University specifically disclaim any warranties, including but not limited to, the implied warranty of fitness for calculating the probabilities of outcomes for patients. The software provided hereunder is on an as is basis and neither the authors, Maastricht University have any obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements or modifications.
By proceeding with use of the models, the user agrees that they have read and agreed with these terms.
Privacy Policy
The terms, conditions and statements in this section are important legal notices.
Please read these notices carefully before using our services. If you have any questions, please contact info@covid19risk.ai
Terms of service
The internet services and website of Covid19 Risk (hereinafter also referred to as PC) are provided under these terms of service. Covid19 Risk is the property of the Dpt of Precision Medicine of Maastricht University (hereinafter also referred to as UM). The models are owned by the modelers and/or their employer and/or the data providers. These conditions apply to any use of the website. You can only sign up for services provided by the website by agreeing with these terms and conditions.
The internet services and website of PC serve as a tool and source of information for physicians and health professionals and those who are involved with them or their treatment.
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Use of the website and the data made available through the website is at user’s own risk. UM may at any time add, modify or remove data at its discretion. UM will use all reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information on this website. User understands that PC also relies on the expertise of others to be able to present accurate and up-to-date information. PC gives no warranties, undertakings or representations of any kind as to its accuracy, currency, quality, completeness or fitness for purpose. PC disclaims all warranties, express or implied to the fullest extent permitted by law.
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Notwithstanding the specified in these terms and conditions, UM reserves the right, without notice and at its discretion, to block or prevent user’s future access to and use of the website or internet services.
Contact information
the Dpt of Precision Medicine of Maastricht University.