Publish your models

The website is intended for open source publishing of prediction models, developed to predict outcomes for COVID-19 patients.


Publishing a model on this website has several advantages:
  • it increases visibility of your work
  • it increases citation of your paper
  • it increases the use of your model
You can also decide to publish the raw data on a data repository. This will further stimulate research increase the citation of your paper (about a factor three based on a published study).

Requirements (before publication on website):

  • (Externally or internally cross-) validated
  • Published in peer-reviewed journal or in a public repository (MedRxiv, Bio Rxiv or another one)
  • Clinically relevant
  • Procedure:

  • Provide a description of the model by filling in the form "Text for information page website" (see bottom page)
  • Provide a detailed calculation sheet (Excel, MATLAB or other program), preferably with confidence interval calculation
  • Provide a version of the published article that can be distributed freely.
  • Provide the pubmed link or the link to the public repository
  • Additional material such as PPT slides may also be provided.
  • Additional material such as the link to the raw data used to build the model may also be provided,
  • Downloads:

    What do we need?

    • We basically need all the regression coefficients of the model, including the coefficient of the intercept.
    • Ideally we would like you to provide a detailed calculation sheet (excel or other program), preferably with confidence interval calculation if available.
    • Provide a description of the model by downloading and filling in this form and mail it to